We are a dedicated organization with a simple yet profound mission: to empower the less fortunate and foster a brighter, healthier future. We focus on promoting self-reliance over handouts and nurturing healthy, happy children, with a strong emphasis on the protection and well-being of the girl child.




Child Labor


Girl Child Protection

Elderly Support

Employment Opportunities


Child Care

Providing care, accommodation, food, and education to children in need.

Girl Child Protection

Advocating against child labor and supporting initiatives to protect the girl child.

Women Empowerment

NMSSS is spearheading efforts to alleviate the 'time poverty' and laborious tasks burdening women, offering them access to economic opportunities and facilitating their involvement in decision-making. This aims to transform them into equal contributors in the development process.

Creating employment opportunities to promote self-reliance and sustainable development.

Sustainability Initiatives